
PRIZE NUMBERS for *prize #
1 = Recharge
2 = Energy
3 = Rotation
4 = Stealth
5 = Cloak
6 = XRadar
7 = Warp
8 = Guns
9 = Bombs
10 = Bouncing Bullets
11 = Thruster
12 = Top Speed
13 = Full Charge
14 = Engine Shutdown
15 = MultiFire
16 = Proximity
17 = Super!
18 = Shields
19 = Shrapnel
20 = AntiWarp
21 = Repel
22 = Burst
23 = Decoy
24 = Thor
25 = Multiprize
26 = Brick
27 = Rocket
28 = Portal

You can give out negitive prizes by using a -. IE *prize #-1 takes one level away from player(s) or recharge. Or if you do *prize #-13 it gives player(s) a energy decrease green, and *prize #-14 is sever engine shutdown.

Use these by % then one of these numbers (IE: %1, %102, etc) but remember not to put a 0 before the number (IE: %02, %012, etc) otherwise the number will show up instead of being hidden. And if you want to just play a sound without any message, use a *arena %9 or whatever number you want.
1 = BEEP!
2 = BEEP!
3 = You're not dealing with AT&T
4 = Due to some violent content, parental discretion is advised
5 = Hallellula
6 = Ronald Reagan
7 = Inconceivable
8 = Winston Churchill
9 = Listen to me, you pebble farting snot licker
10 = Crying
11 = Burp
12 = Girl
13 = Scream
14 = Fart1
15 = Fart2
16 = Phone ring
17 = The world is under attack at this very moment
18 = Gibberish
19 = Ooooo
20 = Geeee
21 = Ohhhh
22 = Awwww
23 = This game sucks
24 = Sheep
25 = I can't log in!
26 = Beep
100= Start music playing
101= Stop music
102= Play music for 1 iteration then stop
103= Victory bell
104= Goal!

?usage = displays your current usage information
?sheep = display sheep message and play sheep sound
?buy = displays list of things which can be bought
?buy = buys the specified item, ex ?buy repel
?userid = displays your unique user id
?owner = displays name of arena owner (see server.cfg Owner:Name)
?packetloss = displays your current packetloss percentages
?getsettings = if you own the arena or have sysop powers, this allows you to change
settings (same as ESC-C)
?setlevel = if you own the arena or are a sysop, allows you to change the level/map
?arena = displays list of public arenas (private ones too if you are sysop)
?time = displays amount of time remaining in current game (timed games)
?crown = displays how many kills you have left/need for a crown
?chat[=name] = set your chat channel to 'name' ex ?chat=omega
?best = displays your personal best in timed games
?flags = displays who is carrying flags
?team = displays team-mates of player ticked in stat box
?score = show score in a soccer game
?ignore [who] = ignores ticked player or 'who' if specified
?log [filename] = logs all messagse to file specified (default name used if not)
type ?log again to stop logging of messages
?target[=x] = sets your target bounty
?status = displays status of your ship
?kill = causes kill messages to be logged to message area
?ping = displays your round-trip ping time to the server
?savemap [name.bmp] = saves a bitmap of current map to specified file (default name used if not)
?go [name] = go to next public arena, or a private arena if 'name' specified
?lines[=xxx] = show/set number of message lines
?zone [zone name] = tell you which zone you are in or take you to specified zone
(RZE = Running Zone East, etc...)
?spec = display a list of who is specating you
?password=pw = Change your personal password to pw
?squadjoin=name:password = Join an existing squad
?squadcreate=name:password = Create a new squad
?squadleave = Leave your existing squad
?squaddissolve = Completely get rid of squad
?squadpassword=pw = Change squad password to pw
?squadkick=playername = Kick playername off of squad
?away [message] = Sets/clears an away message
?lines[=x] = sets number of displayed message lines
?namelen[=x] = sets length of name portion in message area
?music[=x] = sets music volume (0 to 10)
?loadmacro = load message macros
?savemacro = save message macros
?setsettings = used to upload a modifed .set file (as downloaded via ?getsettings) -- not recommended method...
?recycle = allows arena owner to recycle the arena
?cheater (name) = sends message to all online mods/smods/sysops and people logged into BanG (version 1.34.3 or higher. Or connected to bang)
?getnews = downloads news.txt to your SS folder (version 1.34.2 or higher)
?scorereset = Scoreresets yourself (version 1.34.4 or higher)
?lag = Will display both ping and ploss at once (version 1.34.5 or higher)
?squadowner (squad name) = tells owner of squad
?squadgrant (player name) = gives ownership to that player
?squad (player name) = tells you what squad they are currently in
?find (player name) = tells you what zone they are in or not online
?get X:Y = get a setting in .cfg in section X, varible Y
?set X:Y:Z = set a setting in .cfg in section X, varible Y, setting Z
?obscene = toggles if you view obscene messages or not
?getfile [filename] = same as sysop's *getfile (version 1.34.5 or higher)
?putfile [filename] = same as sysop's *putfile (version 1.34.5 or higher)
?squadlist = lists all players on your squad (squadowner only command, SSC billing only)
?sound[=x] = change's ingame sounds (Continuum)
?enter = toggles player entering arena msgs in middle/chat/no where (Continuum)
?leave = toggles player leaving arena msgs in middle/chat/no where (Continuum)
?logbuffer [filename] = starts a log, and will include all messages you have received since you logged into zone (Continuum)
?message name:message = leave a message to that player (SSC Billing only)
?messages = read all messages sent to you (SSC Billing only)
?nopubchat = toggles viewing public messages (Continuum .37)

%red = name(bty:flags) of nearest enemy flag carrier
%redname = name of nearest enemy flag carrier
%redbounty = bounty of nearest enemy flag carrier
%redflags = number of flags of nearest enemy flag carrier
%tickname = ticked name
%selfname = your name
%squad = your squad
%freq = your frequency
%bounty = your bounty
%flags = your flag count
%energy = your energy
%shield = your shield time
%super = your super time
%killer = last person to kill you
%killed = last person you killed
%coord = your coords (IE: A4, J12)
%area = your area (ie: Upper-Right, Middle)

- MISC -
*stat = displays server statistics
*addword = adds word to the obscene list
*shutdown [exename] = shutdowns server (terminates process) optionally runs exename.exe
*s*= set server.ini file variable, ex *s*Misc:MaxPlayers:4
*g* = get server.ini file variable, ex *g*Misc:MaxPlayers
*log = display a log of messages printed on server screen
*energy = turns on viewing of other players energy levels
if sent privately, let's person it is sent to see energy levels
*system (command) = Do DOS command access (priv to player or public to server) -REMOVED- (VIE Subgame)
*addip (ip) = Adds ip# to ipblock.txt -REMOVED- (VIE Subgame)
*removeip (ip) = removes ip from ipblock.txt -REMOVED- (VIE Subgame)
*listip = lists all ip# from ipblock.txt -REMOVED- (VIE Subgame)
ipblock.txt still works for blocking IP#
*addmachine (id) = adds machineID# to idblock.txt (version 1.34.5 or higher)
*removemachine (id) = removes id# from idblock.txt (version 1.34.5 or higher)
*listmachine = lists all id# from idblock.txt (version 1.34.5 or higher)
idblock.txt still works for blocking ID#
*ufo = Give yourself UFO ship. Can be turned on and off (version 1.34.1 or higher)
*super = Give yourself the super ship with everything (version 1.34.1 or higher)
*mirror = Shows what everyone sees you as. No one else can see it, and will always be a spider (version 1.34.1 or higher)
*getnews = Downloads news.txt to your comp (version 1.34.2 to 1.34.4)
*putnews = Uploads news.txt from your SS folder to server (version 1.34.2 to 1.34.4)
*getsysoplist = Downloads sysop.txt (version 1.34.2 to 1.34.4)
*putsysoplist = Uploads sysop.txt (version 1.34.2 to 1.34.4)
*getsmodlist = Downloads smod.txt (version 1.34.2 to 1.34.4)
*putsmodlist = Uploads smod.txt (version 1.34.2 to 1.34.4)
*getobscene = Downloads obscene.txt (version 1.34.2 to 1.34.4)
*putobscene = Uploads obscene.txt (version 1.34.2 to 1.34.4)
*getfile (name) = Downloads file from server (version 1.34.5 or higher)
*putfile (name) = Uploads file from server. Cannot upload some files (.dll, .exe, etc) (version 1.34.5 or higher)
*delfile (name) = Deletes file from server. Cannot delete some files (.dll, .exe, etc) (version 1.34.5 or higher)
*version = Tells what subgame version it is. (version 1.34.6 or higher)
*lag = List all player's quick lag info (version 1.34.8 or higher)

*sysop = sent privately, grants sysop priviledges to player (temporary, allows no sounds)
*smoderator = sent privately, grants super moderator priviledges to player (temporary, allows no sounds)
*monitor # = Shows you all commands from player at certain text levels -REMOVED- (VIE Subgame)
0 = Public, 1 = priv/public, 2 = priv/public/team, 3 = priv/public/team/chat, 4 = all messages
*say (text) = Makes a player say something without them really typing it (will allow ? and * commands through this) -REMOVED- (VIE Subgame)
*getfile (name) = Download file from player's computer (priv one) -REMOVED- (VIE Subgame)
*putfile (name) = Uploads file to player's computer (priv one) -REMOVED- (VIE Subgame)
*thor # = Sets players thor level to #. 0 = normal, > 1 = instant death, larger the #, the larger the prox (version 1.34.1 or higher)
*lowbandwidth # = (# = 0 or 1) 0 means normal, 1 means gets/sends every packet doubled to help stop lag (version 1.34.1 or higher)
*messagelogging # = sent privately, detects if a player is logging messages and at what level if a sysop (version 1.34.4 or higher)
*super = gives someone super ship (1.34.4 or higher)
*ufo = gives someone ufo ship (1.34.4 or higher)
*einfo = Displays player's Userid# and their screen rez (1.34.5 or higher)
Also displays which client they are using [VIE or Continuum] (1.34.9 or higher, 1.34.10 or higher has client version)
*bandwidth # = Will set (or display) their CutbackWatermark. If you set theirs, will override Latency:CutbackWatermark for them (version 1.34.11h or higher)
*points # = Will add points to player. If negitive, will subtract. WARNING: Will set ALL points to flag points (avg kill goes to 0). (version .134.11 or higher)

- MISC -
*szone = Sends message to all zones with same scoreid as current zone
*zone = Send message to all arenas in this zone
*getlist = get list of people permitted (to file)
*putlist = put list of people permitted (permit.txt)
*getmodlist = get list of people who are moderators
*putmodlist = put list of people who are moderators (moderate.txt)
*recycle = recycles the server (kicks everybody off)
*restart = restarts timed games (speed zone)
*prize = grant all ships random prizes, sent privately, grants to that ship only
*prize # = grant a specific prize to all players, sent privately, grants to that ship only
(negative prizes take away -- see list above)
*listmod = will display all players that have mod/smod/sysop curretly logged into the zone (1.34.4 or higher)

*info = sent privately, displays lot of player info
*where = sent privately, tells location of player
*trace = sent privately, tells server to do a tracert to that person (NOTE: Needs the subgame version 1.34.1 or higher to be named subgame2.exe or else will not work)
*moderator = sent privately, makes person it is sent to a moderator for that session (temporary, allows no sounds)

*arena = Send message to this arena
*permit = Permit person to enter restricted zone
*revoke = revoke permission to enter restricted zone
*beginlog [text] = begin logging game session (put text at top of log)
*endlog = end logging game session (will auto send log file to you)
*shipreset = reset all ships to 0 bounty, sent privately, resets ship of person sent to
*scorereset = sent privately, sets players stats to zero
sent publicly, reset score off all players in zone
*flagreset = resets the flag game
*timereset = resets timer on timed game
*banner = turns on your banner (despite point requirements)
*lock = locks game so nobody can enter (toggle)(everybody put in spectator mode)
*lockspec = toggles the *lock**'s to effect only spectators or everyone.
*lockteam = locks team messages (the " ones)
*lockprivate = locks private messages (the / and :: ones)
*lockpublic = locks public messages (good for no-blue matches)
*lockchat = locks chat messages (the ; type)
*lockall = locks all messages (public, priv, etc)
*timer = start a timer going (notifies players periodically)
*kill [minutes] = sent privately, kicks player off (for specified minutes optionally)
*shutup = sent privately, prevents person from being able to talk (watch out, if you do
this to yourself, you can't undo unless you exit game and re-enter)
*spec = sent privately, forces specified player into spec mode (locks him there too)
*specall = send publicly, specs everyone. Doesn't lock them there. Can't spec people with higher level (version 1.34.3 or higher)
*setship # = sent privately, sets players ship to #, can't do to higher level (1 - 8) (version 1.34.2 or higher)
*setfreq #### = sent privately, sets players freq to #, can't do to higher level (0 - 9999) (version 1.34.2 or higher)
*locate (name) = if player is in zone, tells you which arena (version 1.34.2 or higher)
*watchgreen = As long as that player stays in that arena, you can see every green he gets (priv) (version 1.34.5 or higher)
*listban = Will display all people banned by *kill, and their time (version 1.34.5 or higher)
*removeban (ID#) = Will remove machineID# ban by *kill (version 1.34.5 or higher)
*packetloss = Will display to you player's Packetloss -REMOVED- (version 1.34.5 pre-release)
*lag = Will show player's Ploss and Ping (version 1.34.5 or higher, .6 and higher have weapon ploss also)
*greeninfo = Private command, displays greenID# and their count of getting that green since last shipreset (version 1.34.9 or higher)
*flags = Display flag's coords (version 1.34.9 or higher)
*warn [Text] = Sent privately, will msg player with a predetermined mod sound in red text with the format: Moderator Warning: [Message] - (Mod Name) (version 1.34.10 or higher)
*warpto [X] [Y] = Sent privately, will warp player to certain X,Y coords (ie: *warpto 512 512 = middle of map) (version 1.34.10 or higher) [Continuum .36]
*relkills # = If sent # of 1, you will always get reliable kills. Otherwise, if < 200 bty kills, may not be (version 1.34.11h or higher)
*tinfo = Sent privately, display's player's time history information (version 1.34.12pr2 or higher)
*watchdamage = Sent privately, toggles viewing player's damage information (version 1.34.12pr4 or higher) [Continuum .37]

Syops have all the powers listed above. Super-Moderator have all the powers above but the Sysop powers. And Moderators have all the abilitys above but Sysop powers, Super-Moderator powers, and Prize powers. When a Sysop and/or Super-Moderator gives the temporary ability of Sysop, Smod, or Mod to a player, that player gains all abilitys of those powers but since it is temp powers, they do not get sounds. And if you give anyone the Sysop, Smod, or Mod powers, please place there names in the moderator.txt so that if they don't add the Power-Password to there passwords, they still will get the ability to play sounds. IE If you give someone your Smod password, add them to you moderator.txt file so they don't have to add the Power-PW to there passwords, but just have to type it in the game. And, unless you really trust them, don't give anyone your Mod Power-Password. Add there name to the moderator.txt file instead. It is easier for them, and better for you. And remember, that you can not turn off one of these commands to a player with powers, so watch out who you give it to. The last bit of informantion is that a lower power class (Mods/smods) can not use the following commands on a player with higher powers (Smods/Sysop) unless they are at the same power level. The commands they can't use on higher powers are *spec, *shutup, *kill. If you are a Smod/Sysop, you can use the *moderator command on a moderator to temporay cancel out there powers. Sysops can do this to Smods. Thanx, Mine GO BOOM

?login (pw) = Logs into Billing Sysop (pw in subbill.ini for sysoppassword)
?find (name) = Tells you what zone player is in
?adduser (name):(password) = Adds player to billing, good if AllowNewUser=0
?changepassword (name):(password) = Changes player's password, good if they lost it
**(message) = Sends a green message to all zones. Do not space after the **

0 = Network bang
1 = Lower network bang or main zone sysop bang
2 = Low sysop bang, or high smod bang
3 = Low smod bang, or high mod bang
4 = Low mod bang
?blogin (pw) = Logs into bang, if successful, will display access level
?bpassword (pw) = Changes your bang password (4+)
?bversion = Tells you bang version (4+)
?notify = Toggles if you want to recieve login attempts from banned players (4+)
?bantext = Displays ban text shown to banned players who enter the zone (4+)
?bantext (text) = Changes ban text shown to banned players (2+)
?ban (command) (name) = Adds ban to player, with extra commands if listed. (4+)
-* = Adds to network ban list (1+)
-! = ban all logins from IP range, new and old accounts (2+)
-e# = Changes day count of ban, each level has max different, default = 7 (4+)
-a# = Changes access remove. Can only # be your level or lower, default = 4 (4+)
-i# = Changes ip# ban range, default = their IP# (3+)
-m# = Changes the ipmask for ban range (default: (1+)
-n# = Changes id# ban, default = their ID# (3+)
-c = Removes the id# for the ban (such as if they randomize mID) (4+)
-k = Doesn't kick player off the instant ban takes place (4+)
-z = Bans the player in that zone instead of current one (have to be both zone's bang op)
?listban (command) #(id) (count)= Displays last 10 (or the last count number) bans, unless command or id. If id, will show only that ban (4+)
?bantonet (id) = Copys a local ban# to network ban list (1+)
?bantolocal (id) = Copys a network ban# to local ban list (1+)
-* = List network ban (4+)
-d = List more details, only 3+ level sees IP# (4+)
For ID show, needs to be list ?listban #5
?changeban (if network, -*) (id) (command) = Changes ban. Uses same commands as ?ban (4+)
?liftban (if network, -*) (id) = Removes ban (4+)
Can't edit/lift ban of higher access level
?bancomment (if network, -*) (banid) (text) = Adds comment to ban (4+)
?banfree (if network or command) (name) = Adds player to banfree list (4+)
?listbanfree (if network, -*) (count) = List last 10 (or count) banfrees (4+)
?removebanfree (if network, -*) (name) = Removes player from banfree (4+)
?addop (if network, -*) (access level) (name):(password) = Adds player to bang list. Can only do levels lower than your own (3+)
?listop (if network, -*) = List ops, and shows if online or logged into bang (3+)
?removeop (if network, -*) (name) = Remove op from bang op. Only remove lower level (3+)
?extchat = Toggles if zone recieves any messages from players in other zones (priv or chats) (2+)
?listzone = Lists all zone that are able to use bang and their status (0)

Ban Access Level Listings
Network Rights01234
Can Network BanYesYesNoNoNo
Max Ban DaysUnlimited5000 days---
Ban by IpYesYes---
Maximum IP MaskUnlimited255.255.255.0---
Block Old AccountsYesYes---
Add OpsYesNoNoNoNo
Zone Rights01234
Max Ban DaysUnlimitedUnlimited365 days30 days7 days
Ban by IpYesYesYesYesNo
Maximum IP MaskUnlimitedUnlimited255.255.0.0255.255.255.0-
Block Old AccountsYesYesYesNoNo
Add OpsYesYesYesYesNo

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